Update: July 27 2021

Just dropping in a line to let you all know what’s going on.

First of all, quick update: I’m still hurting, but it’s getting a lot better. I’m able to sit for over 15 minutes without feeling like my spine’s about to collapse, so surprise surprise, it gets easier to write.

Second, I’ve been kind of wondering why my writing has dropped off so much over the last year+, and honestly, it’s been scaring me a little. BTS’ Black Swan is honestly representative of my mood for the entire period, fearing the loss of passion for what you do and feeling like it really will be your ‘first death’, being scared that you’re just losing an entire part of your self, and you don’t want that, but you’re feeling mired deep in the ocean not knowing what way is up so you can’t get out of it, it’s pretty spot on for this sort of artistic crisis (which makes sense because it is literally about that).

I think … well, my depression is a factor, but recently I’ve been taking 30minute walks outside for my back and discovered it’s also helped get my depression much more under control, not gone necessarily, but more manageable… but more than that, I think I’m just hitting a phase that comes naturally for creatives but is very frustrating to get through.

Japanese martial arts has a phrase for the stages of mastery, Shu Ha Ri.

Shu refers to learning by imitation and study, following form, and there is NO way of getting around it, most of the early stuff on this site is 100% copying JLN (and some CLN) trends and forms. And my love for writing was definitely revitalized by writing it, and I enjoyed it a lot. But you can’t just stick to form forever, and unfortunately, I think I’ve moved on to the next stage.

Ha is falling away from form and trying your own methods and innovations, and I think this is where I’m stuck right now.

I’m getting dissatisfied with just continuing on with what I have, and discovering that there are other ways and/topics I like to write. Ha can be kind of a painful process, dismantling some/everything you just accepted, and I am FLOUNDERING. I’ve been almost a little scared to sit in front of the computer (even without the health problems) and just … not have anything come out as I sit blankly and type, then delete everything I type.

So, ah… I’ve been doing writing therapy with fanfics, Fanfic therapy. It’s helped a lot, not having to do much world building, just keeping it within the confines of someone else’s world and just focusing on how I write and how I want to use words.

Just recently, I was writing a fanfic with a lot more original worldbuilding than canon/fanon, and … I think I’ve finally come all the way back around. It’s got me going back and picking over my originals anyway, so…

… Now if only I hadn’t left almost all my originals in kind of limbo/grey areas that I hadn’t defined super well in the plot.


  1. Oh are you saying that there are some Fanfics that you have written somewhere around?

    would you giving some links or pointing us to the right place (or right places?)


    1. uh… (coughcoughIt’sBLcough)
      I have mixed feelings. Also had mixed feelings when a reader here found me on ao3 completely by accident. My fanfic foray has been a rollercoaster of emotions…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Found it!~

        I’d been wondering if you were writing for one of the properties that I’ve been reading fanfic of.

        I had been following the story updated on 8/5 for a couple months or so. Reading it last night, the word choice reminded me of some of your originals.

        I’ve started reading the fic with an update date stamp of 8/4, and hit a bit that I take as confirmation.


  2. Glad to hear/read that there’s some improvement for you. Starting to get a little worried for you, but this note has resolved most of that worry. Nice to know you’re still writing, even if it is BL. Do what you’ve got to do to get yourself (and your S.O.) comfortable/happy, I’ll wait for whatever you decide to post.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Take your time! Just avoid worldbuilding disease. =P I’m on a world-bible website, and they always warn that if you start doing worldbuilding on elven shoes, you’re in too deep.


  4. Glad for the update, I have been a little concerned.

    Re:, depression and walking. Yeah, I’ve been finding that I spend too much time inside, and get so sick of staring at the same walls, and can’t think. I’ve found that regulars walks do something to keep me effective at working.

    Which actually reminds me, my walking schedule was disrupted, and I need to resume. Little bit too warm now, but I can at least open the curtains.

    Creative writing is hugely complex, and mostly mental. I understand that this means that if you keep working, there are regular periods where your skills improve to a certain point, things get really difficult, and then you work your way through the period and your skills have improved. You first learn to perceive new things in your work that you dislike, and then you learn/invent the techniques to avoid doing those things.

    REgular as in someone who has spent 30 or 40 years improving their craft may be able to point to two or three. They seem to suck, but apparently if you keep working you get through them.

    Slightly different matter, but I’ve some recent experiences with realizing how bad my understanding really is, how many holes remain to be filled.


  5. Some things will be true both of your work before this period, and after.

    I have the reading skills to notice some of the things that tedious literary types are likely to consider measures of quality. Some of these things I like, but they don’t matter to me if the stories with them don’t meet my more basic needs.

    I check here regularly because the stuff you are worried about being missing, if it really is missing, doesn’t matter to me next to the stuff you provide, that I do not easily find elsewhere.

    Your characters are sometimes in difficult circumstances, but they do not wallow in misery or evil.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. take care of yourself, and take your time. I’m not very good with words, so really this is the extend of what I can say without suddenly going on into an awkward extended mess of words.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I’m glad you’re recovering more! I pray you become healthier in all aspects!

    Just curious, but did it ever come across your mind to create a Discord server?


  8. Both exercise and sunlight have long been known to counteract (mild) depression. Sources are from old offline newspaper reports, so I can’t cite any online links. Google should be able to find something if you want to look up the details.

    If you do meditation or relaxation exercises, be aware that they can worsen depression if you don’t balance them with physical activity. This comes from personal experience.

    When walking, be careful if you wear a waist pouch. Depending on the details of your back problems and how you wear the pouch, it can make your backache worse. Handphone + wallet + set of house keys is sufficient weight to kill the back. This also comes from 1st hand experience.

    Anyway, glad that your condition(s) is/are improving. Looking forward to reading your stories and translations again.


  9. For writing, you could try perhaps doing a couple short stories. Like 5-10 chapters at the very most each, taking place in one or more of the worlds you have established (to save time setting up the setting), but not relating to the main characters or stories of those worlds (and perhaps not even specifying which world it is). Maybe try out some different things, styles, etc.

    Incidentally, I love imagining the world building stuff myself. I am no writer, but I feel I could design a world that could have a good setup in the event I could write a story to go with it. In particular, I like thinking about the mechanics of a setting, what kinds of things are or are not possible, and the possible eventual “endgame” things that could be done in one (this sometimes leads to thoughts of a world where elves and dwarves are flying around in magical interplanetary spacecraft, but still).


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