Announcement April 16, 2022

Hello, dropping an update to let you know what’s going on and where things are going from now on.

First, I will be attempting to update once a week starting the week of April 17th (probably the 20th). Whether or not I’ll keep it up, well… we’ll see.

Second, there’s been just a plethora of things going on behind the scenes here that I’ve been working on.

I’ve been struggling with depression for the past three years, and it’s just been hard to be motivated to do anything let alone put myself into a writing headspace.

It’s been … a bit weird to deal with, because although I have bouts of the “typical” depression symptoms, most of the time I was just feeling out of sorts and demotivated. Which means I can delude myself that I’m not depressed and ignore the problem, which just, you know, prolongs the problem… anyway, I’m talking to my doctor about it now and actively trying to do something about it.

The other problem that’s been going on is that I picked up writing again in my ‘slice-of-life’ phase, and uh, I’m kind of having a hard time continuing that style these days. Which means I’ve needed to take another look at all the stories that I’ve been working on, and make some decisions about them.

And thus:

  • BaiYuYi – reworked the entire plot, but you guys won’t notice too much I think, since it pretty much felt like it had a direction despite me just making everything up as I go. :x
  • OriSto – On hiatus for a bit as I work on the world building. Er, the game-world building. While Naru and co can do continue their slice-of-life-ing, I need a more concrete world than what I’ve got for them to play in. I’m not sure how long it will be on hiatus, but it will likely be back sooner rather than later. Probably back immediately after its replacement, which is …
  • 2nd Chances – This is a shorter story that I started writing towards the end of my slice-of-life phase and has a clear direction and character development that I can handle as a buffer while I figure other stories out.
  • Fluvia – Moving up to main update status~
    I’ve just been reluctant to get to a main plot point for reasons.
  • Wfb – …

So the big elephant in the room is Wfb, and I’ve agonized over it for a while now, but I think I have to pull the plug. Honestly speaking, I feel like the true end of the story was the end of the Nyl City arc, and everything after that was like the death throes of me attempting to write the thing.

I have no idea how to actually bring the story from where it is to any sort of cohesive plotline anymore.

I’m not going to drop it just like this, though. I’m currently figuring out how to do a quick write up of what I had planned and why it was just not coming together, so at the very least it will be an interesting look at how not to write a story. orz

I think the best way to view Wfb from now on is that it’s a ‘prequel’ type story, where someone got isekai-ed and had to figure out that the isekai world isn’t as nice as they thought it was. Everything after the Nyl City arc can be considered on the level of ‘possible events’ in the future, or like … fanfic level.

For people following on the klinhcomics site:

I’ve been reworking the entire story for Leah’s Records, and I’ll probably have to restart it because of the design changes due to some direction changes. Normally I wouldn’t, just surreptitiously changing things as we go, but y’know, changing the main character design randomly is a little harder to explain away. Also putting more effort into the ‘set design’ of the isekai world, since it’s still going to be a major part of Leah’s life as flashbacks and stuff.

I won’t deny that I was just randomly drawing the backgrounds before, and I regret it.

I’m currently reworking/making the 3D models for major backgrounds and designing the costumes and Leah’s wardrobe.

Having a fashionable protagonist is a pain in the ass some times, especially when I hadn’t actually decided on what type of style Leah tends to lean towards, and uh, apparently it’s more athleisure than what I put her in.

Also, immediately after drawing Leah’s outfit and posting the comic, I went, “Fuck, it would make more sense to have been fall or winter. How the heck am I going to explain this?”

Basically, I was wholly under-prepared to start the things when I did, and it’s apparently a bad idea because then you have to redo a bunch of stuff. Aspiring creators, do better than my half-assing self when you create, ‘kay?


  1. Glad to see (read) that you’re still around ok’ish. I’m a little sad about WFB since that may well be my favorite of what you’ve written til now, but that’s just my opinion. I for one will wait and read whatever you post with anticipation. I’m in the middle of rereading Cursed when your update posted. Just remember you have fans (at least me anyway), so continue on in whichever direction you wish and we’ll (or at least me anyway) follow.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I actually love WTFB and am hoping for a longer story to go with it, it is well written and I felt is going in a good direction. It would be a shame if it ended so soon. You’ve introduced character arcs that promise a much longer story and I hope you truly don’t end the story


  2. Thanks for the update!
    I would really recommend to first for WFB to write down all lose ends:
    – Changed Memories of the World
    – Who summoned them
    – Existence of the Dungeons and the strange ruins in them
    – Extus and it’s issues
    – Who was the organisation that almost destroyed Nyl? To whom is it connected?
    – What happened to the former member of that organisation, that played dead
    – The Demons and their Demonlord
    – The Deepelves
    – And the actuell mission to find The Forge, what it is and perhaps what connection it has with the points above.

    Perhaps I missed something, but that should the most important things. Take them, think about what you want to connect and how and a possible ending for each part of these.
    That should help to find a rough orientation.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The main problem isn’t the loose ends, it’s that I’ve completely lost Jun’s character and can no longer write for him, and that’s honestly the worst feeling for me. Everything after Nyl City is just moving through the motions and trying to catch a trace of Jun’s character, and that really wore me down.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Ahhh, yeah sorry, I forgot that, you definitly already wrote that. My bad.

        I still hope, that some time in the future, it will be continued. Perhaps you can some day unravel that chaos that WFB has become. Or at least to get a summary, what you planned.
        It would be really nice to know for example what or who and why the memories of all people were changed.


      2. Yeah, guys stuck in a female body always seem like a hard one to get right.
        I think you did alright with Jun, chose a “masculine” profession that they felt comfortable socialising in. Didn’t play the uncomfortable-ness of new interactions with women for laughs for too long or often and was getting to a place where they could actually make femalexfemale friendships, kinda. Also managed to make and keep guy friends relationships from becoming awkward, mostly.

        Much better than OnlySenseOnline’s, which was still good, protagonist who I just forgot was a guy most of the time, don’t think it improved the story just a hook. It failed at most of the above things.


  3. Mostly I’m just sitting here thinking “Thank goodness klinH is okay!” With everything going on in the world the last couple of years, when someone goes quiet… well, I’ll leave it at “I lack optimism.” Really looking forward to getting to see more your work, and I’m really happy you’re talking to your doctor about stuff. See you around!

    Liked by 6 people

  4. Glad to see an update.
    Please gett well. My sister did and does struggle with maniodepressive states, so I saw some of the fight. While the medication helped significantly, she still struggels significantly to adjust back to a ‘normal lifestyle’.
    If WFB needs a reset… well, it’s been a fun fanfic to read :)
    And if you need to scratch any further efforts on it to be able to continue somehow – so be it.
    Anyway, good luck with the projects.

    Liked by 1 person


    Really though, you should remember to prioritize your health more, and consult professionals when you’re not a hundred percent sure about things you’re experiencing. Your readers and fans will still be here waiting faithfully when you get back.

    BaiYuYi, OriSto, and 2nd Chances both seemed like stories that would be more slice of life-y by premise alone, to be honest. Chenglei doesn’t seem like the type to abandon his life as a mortal just to pursue cultivation, OriSto is a group of rowdy characters having fun terrorizing the dev team while progressing through an MMO.

    2nd Chances is raising a child safely, while dealing with the good luck and the consequences the child brings you, including eventually finding a job with one of the most famous models in the universe. Unless you choose to rush developments and potentially add large timeskips, I can only see the story developing slowly.

    Fluvia up until now I felt had just been fleshing everything out and ramping up towards the main story. Never really considered it to be slow.

    I enjoyed every single one of your stories, but if you are dissatisfied with some of them, it can’t be helped. I’m sure the direction you take them in the future will be just as enjoyable as before.

    A little disappointing to hear that Wfb is getting dropped, the Nyl City arc really had the feeling of only being the beginning of a longer spanning story. I know Jun tried to disillusion Seimei towards the idea that the gamers should treat their circumstances the way LN protags would, but with how the plot and trouble kept coming to her, I was looking forward to everything set up, from the potential identity of the entity that paid the price to the Aether to bring them to Orelia, the group that tried to create an avatar/false god for their own plans, the cause of mass removal of the world’s gods from living and recorded memory, potentially encountering more and more people displaced by the Aether, everything about it. I know that your previously announced that many plot points were going to be ignored as red herrings due to a change in direction, but to hear that the story will be quickly wrapped up and dropped in its entirety…

    Well, motivation can’t be forced. No helping that.

    Once again, thanks for giving us an update, take care of yourself, and know that we are all looking forward whatever you choose to put out next, whether it be your written stories or your comics.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The problem is that I’ve lost touch with Jun’s character, and a lot of the writing after Nyl City was floundering around trying to figure him back out

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      1. I don’t know if you are still checking this, but if you are not planning on bringing wfb back ever would you be willing to share how you envisioned the plot working out? Like what was up with those strong guys working together, and who was the dude who just straight up resurrected someone? What is the forge? Did Jun figure out a way to become male again or did she stay female?

        Not to drag up bad memories or anything, but I fiercely love the style with which you have written wfb and would love to know how it ends


      2. I have just finished a writeup. Working on some various things atm, will be posting soon, sorry for the radio silence. long covid’s been a bit rough


      3. No worries, you are not on a deadline or anything but it’s great to know you survived covid and still thinking about us poor fans. Looking forward to the write up!


    1. Yeah, I concur with Dark Jackel.

      Depression can be rough, and trying to adjust projects that don’t go as you expect them is challenging when you have your health available to build on.

      I was pretty worried by the radio silence, because life difficulties are hard to guess about at such distance.

      Please take care of your well being, and thank you for the news.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m glad you’re putting your health first. It’s way too easy for depression to become a new “normal”, and it creeps up so subtly it’s hard to notice.
    I enjoy reading and rereading all of your stories when I’m feeling down or nostalgic, so thank you for all your amazing stories. Times change, people change, and it would be more unexpected if writing styles stayed the same. I look forward to any updates that may happen!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I’m sad about WFB but I’m glad you’re doing okay! I was afraid something might have happened. Good work going to the doctor! That’s often the hardest step.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Yeah, this sounds really damn familiar. There’s a story I meant to be updating at least once a month that I haven’t managed an update in two and a half years, because depression + quarantine is a horrible horrible mix.

    All the best finding an antidepressant that works for you.


    1. depression+quarantine+immobilizing back injury for me… We’re working on exercise and diet for me, no meds just yet, but I’m already feeling a lot better

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  9. Depression is a tricky bitch, doubly so if you try to go it alone. You are 100% doing the right thing in seeking help from the professionals.

    I’m glad you’ve BaiYuYi is giving you less trouble. It’s one of my favourites right now.

    I’m a bit sad about WFB, since it’s what brought me here originally, however I think you’re right. The story kind of became unmoored when it left Nyl city.

    I’m hoping to you’ll continue Cursed at some point. For a concept as popular as kitsune, there are really few stories that I feel do them justice.


    1. unmoored feels like an understatement to me…

      For Cursed, I might have to chop out a chapter or two to get back into, but it’s not a priority atm, sorry


  10. Thank the anthropomorphic avatars of whatever luck we have that you’re okay.
    Take your time, and work out what needs work and what can’t be salvaged, that always happens when one runs several projects of their own that some of them plow into a dead end.
    At least BaYuYi doesn’t really trouble you, as it’s my favorite of your current output.


  11. So, are the TLs being dropped officially? I like the original stories here, but what brought me here was the TL of Vending Machine and Kujonin. No pressure on continuing the TL. If you drop them then it gives someone else an opportunity to pick them up. But if you keep up a half-hearted TL, others will avoid picking the series up out of respect. Honestly I’d rather see them continued to be TLed here, but that isn’t exactly important.


    1. The TLs will be continued for now, but I’ve never claimed them, so if someone else picks it up I’d be fine with it, and I’ll still continue to translate regardless because translating Japanese is a hobby for me.


  12. Phew. It’s great to hear from you again and it sounds like you are getting the help you need. It’s sad that some people can’t get that help. Missed ya.

    Don’t mind the delays and hiatus for the reworks. Loved the slice of life stuff, whether you continue (or start) the slice of life style for these stories, they are all fun in some unique way.

    Now about WFB. Kinda sad about it having to be reset, but it probably for the best to reset if you don’t feel right about it. I’m, personally, okay with a reset if you are up for it. Also I’m sure your community will help you with feed back if you need it too. We love your work and you. Hope you feel better.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I am glad that you are okay, I was getting worried since it had been a while past your usual first post of the year. I am glad that you are getting help.

    Now about WFB I am sorry to see it go, but I know it was becoming a pain for you, not toention Jun personality was becoming more and more translucent as it went on. The only solid thing that I was seeing about Jun was that he was forging obsessed. Everything else was kinda fluid. So I am sorry to hear it but not surprised.
    Now my final tidbit is about Oristo. My favorite story of yours right now. Honestly wasn’t looking forward to this phase of your writing for it. I knew it was happening ever since that big reboot of the game you pulled. But if it will continue I am happy. Naru is probably my favorite character of yours and will probably stay that way for the foreseeable future.


    1. I believe Oristo will be back before the year end, but I can’t guarantee it until I see how my update schedule fares


  14. Hi Klinh

    long time no see.
    happy to see that you are still alive and kicking !

    too bad for wfb… but it’s the lot of many “first fiction”…
    I’ll be sad, a bit, but it’s true that Jun became hard to handle.
    and, tbh, I latched onto 2nd chance and fluvia.
    never started bayuyi…
    and for Oristo, well… I read a few, but it doesn’t really click.

    I hope the people around you manage to help you during your “down” times…

    if you need a koffee or 2, just post a chapter and ring a bell.. it might work :)


  15. Welcome back! It’s good to hear from you and for sharing your works so far. WFB was always a pleasure to read, and stopping what felt like extra or directionless content to you does not diminish what you’ve accomplished. I hope you’ll find enjoyment in your writing, however you proceed!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. RIP WFB sorry to here you lost Jun’s character like many others it was the story that led me here and so it will be missed.

    So one thing that I couldn’t find any information about its status is what is the situation with Cursed? That along with Fluvia were/are the main stories of ours aside from the now dead WFB which I got invested in.

    In regards to your other main stories they never personally clicked with me.

    OriSto I never really was all that interested in pure VR (Frankly the electric city one was more interesting with them as glitch hunters than a pure VR story ever can be for me… I never really cared about VR stories so yeah….

    BaiYuYi maybe I can try it again someday? I know Xianxia is a genre that is so messed up that it is far more fun to deconstruct or parody which as that was sort of your thing I imagine it could catch my interest depending on how it developed which is why it might be able to catch on if I give it a chance… But you happened to have started based on one of my least favorite tropes in the genre (the xianxia variant being the worst cultural take on the male mistaken as a female variant) frankly as the genres worst tropes all have to do with demeaning females directly or indirectly it makes mistaking males as females even uglier and as a physically effeminate male the latter is something that I have had to deal with IRL which makes this a particularly distasteful trope.

    This doesn’t mean they are bad just outside my area of interest. As somone who is likewise suffering from greatly pandemic exacerbated depression with a large ammount of the demotivated type. This has been a problem for me since 2015 so it isn’t new but after years of struggling to crawl back on my feet the pandemic lockdown straight up led me to fall all the way back down into the chasm of depression. The lack of motivation is really the most pervasive form of depression for me as it is the one thing no meds have ever been able to help with. Therapy is pretty much all I know which helps so I wish you the best of luck in getting out of the pits of depression. Take care of yourself!


    1. I’m not going to try to defend the effeminate chara joke, because it’s there and I can’t pretend it isn’t. It was more about poking at the xianxia trope and twisting it to a not-toxic-masculinity conclusion … but again, I’m not going to defend it as something that shouldn’t make you uncomfortable, because if it did, then it did, and what makes someone uncomfortable shouldn’t be hand-waved away under excuses.

      As for Baiyuyi, the story does start on that ol’ trope, it’s not a running gag, and the MC is secure enough in his masculinity to admit it happened and move on without fixating on it. (Frankly, the man is too well-known for people to make that mistake too many times)
      But unfortunately there are some minor and one-off characters that are… um… not the most progressive at later points in the story, few and far between as they are, so I just wanted you to know that before getting into it.
      Because making people very uncomfortable is not my goal with writing. Everyone should read what they want.

      Cursed… is still on the back burner, but at least it’s cooking. I suspect it will be back when Fluvia’s near finishing (because Fluvia is actually one of my shorter stories planned, as hard as it is to believe). It will need some reworking in some of the most recent chapters, but it changed genres in my head too drastically so it needs some more time


  17. While I’ll be sad to see the end of Flower Blade, it makes sense. The plot was meandering, and (s)he was forgetting abilities as was convenient to the plot. Basically, it felt like the plot was leading (without direction) rather than the characters.

    I’ll be glad to see some of your other stories have more regular updates again.


    1. More like I was forgetting abilities, not for the convenience of the plot, but just … um. My memory is like a sieve. ><


  18. I didn’t know I was so depressed until I changed my diet. I have dropped 65 pounds of fat over the last 11 months, and I feel so much better. I just eat meat and green vegetables. Cutting out grains, oils and sugars – it was hard at first, but it’s been the best decision I’ve ever made. You could try it for a month – it might work for you too.


    1. Oh, I’m 100% sure it’s a lifestyle thing for me, but I figure it’s always good to let a professional know when you’re essentially exhibiting all textbook symptoms of depression


  19. It’s sad that you are dropping my favorite story here and putting my second favorite on hiatus(OriSto) and will probably not see updates by the sound of it. Wish you’d keep going with WtFB and OriSto


  20. I’m not someone who has gone through a bout of depression, so all I can offer are my words of encouragement(yucandoyt! ganbaru!) and to include you in my prayers
    I’ve long reconciled that WFB would be halting, and you’ll change a lot of things!
    I believe doing so would help you reduce the burden in your mind. Thanks for the hard work.
    Stay Strong, Safe and Healthy!


  21. Have you considered writing some W.F.B. fanfic? Just playing around in the setting as though it were someone else’s…

    I feel like maybe it could be a bit of a palette-cleanser? but I am just spitballing here…

    Restarting from Nyl might take off some of the pressure to reconcile Jun’s character, but would not solve the underlying problem and “restarting” is a phrase that is often said before a story dies, I assume that retreading old ground can be draining.

    I would be sad to see it end, but I always hate endings, and it stands as a good story in its current form, so, I guess, congratulations on doing good! W.F.B. is, as I see it, a victory of yours, regardless of what the future holds.


  22. Nice to know you are ok.

    But it’s a shame that the two stories I was following are gone. I understand Oristo, as I feel a little like the Devs: damn berserker bear, why did you finish the main quest without exploring all the content in the side quest. We all love that lovely headstrong bear, but damn her.

    For wtb, I don’t know if it’s late or not, but do you know about the story “the man picked up by the gods”? I believe he lost the north too, and he left unfinished the novel and started again from the start. I would recommend to do the same but may be instead of starting from the beginning starting from the end of nyl, or the start of the end instead of trying to finish it from were you are. Just to give a nice ending and if someday you want someone to read the story that one has a nice ending.


  23. Was it ever announced somewhere that electric city was finished or on permanent hiatus? I think that was my second fav, barely edging out AXEBEAR and obviously behind WFB. Either way, I love seeing Fluvia and Cursed updates as well, so I’m not going anywhere


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