OVRMMO Announcement

OVRMMO has been officially removed from Wayback Machine.

There are raws on Alphapolis, but translating off Alphapolis makes me nervous, since they’re the publishers and have paywalls and stuff.

Or more like, the extent they go to keep the product source exclusive to their site makes me nervous, and I feel like removing all their content from wayback is a sign that the author really doesn’t like free-circulation of his writing.

I haven’t gotten a desist notice so I will leave all the current chapters up on the site, but… I know this is unpopular, but I’m going to have to drop this, especially since the chapters from now on until the mid-200s can only be found behind a pay-wall.

I have some strong feelings about the entire situation, but first and foremost, I am only a person who picked up someone else’s work and started translating it on my own initiative, and I have to respect the original author’s wishes. If sales are the priority at hand, so be it.

So, if someone else wants to pick it up you’re welcome to, but the project now comes with a bit more risk so beware.


  1. Thank you for letting us know. Most people that need to drop a series don’t say anything. I enjoy everything you translate here so I will stay a loyal follower.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Thanks for all the chapters until now.
    I had already the feeling that would come, because of the paywall on alpha.
    It´s sad but now you have more time for other projects. XD

    Liked by 3 people

      1. whats worse is they did nothing with it it is still in nothing but jap god darn it the Chinese are better than the japs at least they try to translate when they take their stories 15 volumes not a single English translation now if u wondering why i am using slang for the japs is because this has me so disappointed in them that i refuse to acknowledge them with their proper name for they do not deserve it

        Liked by 1 person

  3. *depression* 😥

    This sucks, but I won’t blame you. If you hear buzzing you shouldn’t go looking for the hornets.

    Maybe JNC could pickup the LN? The story matches pretty well with the other VRMMO and Isekai stories they’ve picked up, and it could last them a while as far as content goes.

    Liked by 4 people

  4. Sad that there won’t be any way to continue reading it but I fully understand why you decided that way.

    It’s the novel that allowed me to find your site, but since then I fell in love with your own works and quite enjoy your other translations as well so I’m definitely not gonna leave.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. How unfortunate… I wonder if the author will ever have the story officially translated then…

    Well, thanks for all your translations of that story up to this point, and best of luck with your other translations then. I’ll be avidly following the rest of your content, both translated and original.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s sad to say, but I’ve known multiple Light Novels that, upon their licenses being bought up by publishers, took years to be translated in occasionally inferior quality. We’ll see what becomes of this.

      Regardless, if they even got to Wayback, it really can’t be helped. Old man, I wish you well with your fictional life.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I speculate that the lack of quality in “official” translations as opposed to fan translations is an artifact of motivation. Can translators genuinely enjoy the works as opposed to it being just a 9 to 5 job.


  6. Oh no! It was always so perfect that OVRMMO and Vending Machine releases matched up with Origin Story and WFB, since those were all my favorites! I’ll have to come check around for Origin Story chapters now, but thanks for all you’ve translated up until now!


    1. It will be vendm with wfb AND origin story, so more chapters of vending machine
      tbh, OVRMMO was the most difficult to translate story for me, because it uses weird idioms and grammar, so with a spot open, it’ll be fine for me to focus on vendm more.


      1. I was going to say something, but I have a feeling that what I was going to say was going to be a flag, so instead I’ll say…
        I damn hope not.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. I feel as though this ought to be linked to from the last chapter, so that people who read the series later find out what happened.


  8. Its not really just alphapolis that requested the block but syosetsu themselves. I believe they requested ncode.syosetsu.com to be excluded from way back machine since its common for TL groups to use way back machine service to read old novels which were erased from syosetsu.com. So dont expect any TL groups using way back machine to be able to access any of the old novels of syosetsu. Well just wanted to inform everyone. For now I would like to show my thanks and appreciate all the work you have done up to now on this series. *bows*


  9. Oh, hey, almost forgot! Commiserations. You’ve put so much effort into translating this, it was even your first post on here? I can’t put myself in your shoes, but I imagine that it is worse for you than near all others, and I like to think that all of us out here like you and send our best wishes….


  10. Don’t care for it but I said it before and I’ll say it again it is remarkably mind-bogglingly dumb as fuck to go that far to be adamant that no one appreciates a work or spreads it to garner fans outside its original language

    Liked by 1 person

    1. they are companies-run sites, they care only about the profit. they might release an official translation someday but I doubt it’s gonna be as good as this one and will probably take much longer too


  11. So basically we only got the manga left for our fix. The unable to see the detailed thoughts for more action manga. Hmmm…

    It sucks that you have to drop it, but understandable.

    Quick! Someone tempt his muse to fill in the void!


    1. Please no. That muse is a menace. So help me, if someone suggests a Lor-expy and Narumi-expy trying to control a bizarre two-person mecha-thing with controls that seem more art than science and no manual, then I will direct a very disappointed glare at them. The author already has too many projects. Classism hasn’t updated since… And ugh, I remember IoM back when it was all time-travel or something and I didn’t know what happened to all the other characters, who knows if that is coming back…

      No, best to let sleeping muses sleep.


  12. I’m so conflicted, on one hand, I still have WFB, origin story, and vendm to read. on the other, I LOVED OVRMMO. it’s what brought me here in the first place :( life sucks I suppose. thanks for letting the peoples know.


  13. Haaaaaaaaaaaaa! This is my first encounter about someone(klinH) dropping a novel well what can I do?

    Thank you very much for all the hardwork you’ve done and it is a nice read while I feel like I’m an old man reading this. Anyway, let’s see what are your other work feels like to me. And till the next time of good translations/own stories of novels. :) Here is a heart❤ and don’t take my heart in my chest it is dark. Jk haha


  14. Haaaaaaaaaaaaa! This is my first encounter about someone(klinH) dropping a novel well what can I do?

    Thank you very much for all the hardwork you’ve done and it is a nice read while I feel like I’m an old man reading this. Anyway, let’s see what are your other work feels like to me. And till the next time of good translations/own stories of novels. :) Here is a heart❤ and don’t take my heart in my chest it is dark. Jk haha


  15. that is sad, I really liked the manga and started reading the WN to understand it better. I even started playing Ragnarok Online as an archer/hunter because I really liked this series. Sad.


  16. Hello and thanks for the chapters, there is possibility to use raw to OVRMMO in numeric version, and to translate in english.

    It’s necessary to buy the light novel in paper version, thus cut the pages with scissors, after to use a scanner, and transform the scan in jpeg in document word or pdf with the help https://convertio.co/fr/ocr/ and finally to translate in english.


  17. so sad, hopefully some group can pick this one up..those whose countries have a lax patent regime…

    anyway, great thanks…


  18. Sorry that your translations of this fun novel has ceased.
    But thank you very much for informing us readers about the situation.
    With no posts on novel updates, I finally decided to search the comments for news .The news was disappointing but at least I’m not left hanging.
    Thank you kindly for your efforts


  19. If you are looking for something to pick up I’d check the status of Yuusha Yori Saikyouna Kuro Kishi for raws if it’s been updated xant already perma dropped it about 4 months ago.


    1. mind they dropped it when caught up because of the author’s writer’s block so there won’t be much of a backlog if anything to translate lol.


  20. whats bad is that this was literally the only site in the internet that translated this novel not even the “official” page had anything and every other translator just ripped from this site and said was theirs


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